What is our destiny? If
you ask this question to the people, then I am sure you will get the different
Here the question comes in mind,
why people have different opinions about destiny?
In the perspective of
science, in this world, everything is made of two things, matter, and thoughts,
one is in physical and other in virtual form. When a virtual thing
combines with physical entity, the combination of these two produces an energy.
As per my perception, the
famous formula of Einstein (E=mc2) also proves my theory.
Here, I have considered
“m” is the matter or actions and “c” the light or thoughts (in the waveform) and second “c” is for
determination, when these three things combine together produce the energy
which is an ultimate result.
Here, energy is nothing,
just an outcome of these process in a layman language; you can say that an
energy represents destiny of the human, when he does some “karmas” with
In the “Gita” Krishna said to “Arjun, Don’t think too much about what you
have to do. Think, whatever you are doing today, will be for the holy cause.
You have to take the
action without worrying about the outcome. Arjun’s Karmas or actions, fighting
against his beloved with purity of mind (without hesitation) resulted in the
form of Pandava victory.
Here victory represents
the energy produced by “Arjun” determined actions without hesitation, which
made their kingdom people happy and prosperous.
Think about that situation
when “Arjun” was confused, that time his thought wave was not aligned with this
universe; he was getting random ideas about his uncles, cousins, & Guru.
His actions (matter) were not connected with his emotions (light or thought
wave), he was not capable to bring about an energy or result or in other words
we can say, he was not capable to define his destiny.
In my
words, a destiny is the essence of all the energies created by our thoughts and
Sometimes people complain
about their destiny, they say, we work very hard still did not get success.
When you asked them, why
are you not succeeding, where they are lagging, they have no true answer,
they always complain that they work very hard; still their luck is not helping
Sometimes life brings situation in front of us that we have to take
tough decisions. That time we stayed in a dilemma to decide that what are
we doing today, really has any value or worth?
In a period of time small
confusions or hesitations collectively stored unknowingly in our brain system
and when the time arrives, we have to get hold of a substantial challenge, our
brain creates a fear and in the result, we could not take a proper decision.
This fear haunts us now.
Technically, it did not
look so bad at that time, however, this affects our destiny in the long run.
Understand this with a
real time example, Think about this, you are on a long drive and you have not
taken direction or route map with you, after a short while you realized you are
on a wrong path or direction, if you don’t correct your mistake by taking
correct route, do you think you will end up at your desired destination?
Same philosophy applied in the life. Think about this, we are taking
wrong decisions every moment in the life with are known reason and have a
hesitation to correct our actions, then, how do you expect that your destiny
will be the same as you were thinking in the beginning?
If you aligned your
thoughts with the actions, and try to compensate the error as soon as you
aware about them, I am sure you will find what you were looking for, A great
Kapil kumar
Note: “Opinions expressed
are those of the authors, and are not official statements. Resemblance to any
person, incident or place is purely coincidental.' Do not utilize this content
without author permission”
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