Saturday, 7 November 2015

Does Planets or GemStone create any effects??

I don’t know, how may of you really believe in Gemstones? Recently, I read a blog about gemstones and planets that a right Gemstone can change your fate. The fact is that, I have no idea whether Gem Stones hold any kind of magic or power or have any relation with humans at all?

 As per the blog, the writer claimed that a Gem color works with the combination of planet & chakra.
However, here, you should pay attention to one thing that all the Planets, Chakras and Gems have pretty much common color or seven colors of the light.

Anyway, I have no expertise or knowledge to comment on that, However, I look around in my surrounding and brushed up my basic science to set up some interesting facts about colors and their effects in our life.
These facts support write’s claim up to some extend in a different way.

Let me ask you here, Have you ever thought, why different professions have different colors of uniform? No Idea, never mind, I will try to explain later this. Anyway, After reading that blog, I thought there must be some correlation between the color and human behavior  that why human behave, think and act differently when they wear different colors?

As per scientists, in our solar system planets pretty much look like…
Earth…… Light Blue, Green or Brown, Uranus…. Light Blue, Pluto… light Brown,  Jupiter…. Orange+white band, Saturn…. Pale Yellow, Mars….. Red/Orange, Venus… light yellow, Mercury…. Gray, Sun… Yellow
You may find planets color descriptions little differ in the web site to web sites. Now, the question comes in mind, why I wrote about planets colors here?

Technically, Sun is not a planet, it has been conceived as a Star, all the planets have no illumination at all then why we claim these planets have any color?

Technically, all the planets get the lights from sun and after reflection and refraction from the particular planet, the light color we see, we say this is the planet color.

Now, I come to the second part of the puzzle and later on I will try to complete the puzzle. We have learned so far that from the planets we get the light of these colors Blue, Red, Orange, Green, Yellow, White, Gray.
If we look around and see, in real life, what is the color of a uniform for a certain profession?
You will surprise to see a correlation between the color of the uniform and the personality of a person.
You may have seen that the majority of people in different countries has these standard color uniform e.g. White… Medical/Peace, Red.. Law enforcement/Attraction, Green.. Producer/Farmer, Blue.. Labor/Hands on, Brown.. Manufacturing/force, Black… Sad/Cleaning/Dirty work/lawyer, Gray.. Power/force, Orange..  Alert/thief…. etc....

You may find these uniform color little bit differ here and there depends upon country or region. However, the question comes in mind what is the relevancy of a color with the profession?

What I concluded here is that, If we adopt a profession, which uniform has  the matching color of our favorite/ planet, then we have higher chances of the success. Don’t forget that color should be your favorite color as well, otherwise it will be a mismatch.

It may sound a little strange but, if you look deep down, you may not be so much surprised.
Most of the time we are surrounded by the people those have the uniform as per their profession or as per our profession. Think about this, If you hate white color or your temperament does not support for calmly behavior, then how would you be happy or successful in the  profession of medical or peace core.

Same applied for military or police professions, You have to deal with this color effect in daily life. If you do not agree with me, ask a police/military man, how he feels when has a uniform. Same doctor feels more responsible and cautions when they have their white apron on them.

Psychologically, A specific uniform gives us a particular feeling, and the color of uniform play a vital role in this.

Some people can argue here, if there is no uniform them what will be the impact? For that I will say, without uniform people, either fell to special or worthless to themselves. Uniform creates a uniformity among human and a team spirit. Whether it’s a school, force or place. We follow a certain dress code.
Even a boss who wears a tie or his wife who has a specific dress for doing household work will feel very strange without their proper gear.

Now, I come to the main point, why we like or dislike a specific color?Are there something built in our body system that specific planet has an influence on us, we either like or hate that particular color?

Same philosophy applied for the Gemstone, as per my view, there is nothing hidden in the gemstones, it’s pure psychological impacts of the color in our brain system. When someone wears a gemstone of their favorite color, it creates a positive effect with a sense of happiness, which ultimately leads to higher confidence and improve decision taking power.

Technically, as a human we like or dislike certain colors without any logical reason, there may be some scientific explanation of this reason (I am guessing, the situation of the planets at the birth time of an individual).

When we choose the right profession of our favorite color, I am sure we should have higher chances of success.

Gemstone, plants does not emit or radiate any electromagnetic wave or light directly. Anything, whether it’s light or wave comes from the Sun or the Stars of our galaxy. Planets just reflect or refract sun's energy towards  the earth.

Technically, Planets are bound mutually to the rule of Gravitational forces, which may or may not have an effect on the human brain, scientists do not know yet. Gemstone or planet has no effects on us, it’s our mind who creates confidence, will power, courage  in our system.

Next time, when you wear your uniform or go to work, ask yourself,
Do I like my uniform color or Do I like my profession or do I like my surroundings, if not then why? And the most important thing is what I like?

Your answer is the secret of you happiness and success not a Gemstone or Chakra or Planet or anything.

Note: “Opinions expressed are those of the authors, and are not official statements. Resemblance to any person, incident or place is purely coincidental”. The Author will not be responsible for your deeds.
Infatuated, Flattering & Show off!!

If I ask you what is the most important thing for a human being in life, I am sure most of you will say that it may vary from person to person depend upon their physical, mental and financial situation. Anyway, this question came in my mind while watching an old movie. In the movie an artist who was playing as a comedian has an obsession of appreciation or you can say that he wants to listen only good word for his poetry or “Shayri”. This artist or so called poet was so much obsessed to hear his “‘Wah Wah”  that he even offered free food, drinks and snacks to his friend or audience.

These audiences were so much mischief that they appreciate his boring poetry with fake inspiration and so much false appreciation that they enjoyed his free stuff time to time. Whenever these folks need anything from him, they come to his shop or house, hear his poetry for a while and took free stuff.

I am sure most of you have might have seen pretty much this type of scenarios in other movie time to time. Technically, listening appreciation or expecting accolades for every tiny task or on actions is some kind of weakness in a person, who needs an attention and want to show the world that he has a some kind of special talent.

This incident reminded me a conversation which happened with my boss a long time ago. That time, I  had  joined a private company and while doing some gossips with my boss, Mr Nagar, I asked him, Boss!  
How could a person can survive in a private job? He stared me with a strange glance and asked, why are you asking this type of question?

Actually, I have  had a very tough time in my previous jobs and second thing I was the first person in my family to work in a private job, I said.

He shook his head like a philosopher and said, Look, every person has a an ego, you have to find his ego and satisfied it. If you do in the beginning, you have  better chances to get along with this person. In a nutshell, every human being has an ego to satisfy or empties of appreciation or love to receive flattering, what you have to do, just  satisfy it, that’s it.

This was a very small lecture from him, but was a great indeed. If we look around, what we will see that everybody have some kind of emptiness inside and they are looking a way to fill it by some means?

If we observe very carefully in our surrounding what we will notice that this is very common in the “Artist” or people those are in a creative field as Movie actor, Writer, Singer, Parnassian, Poet etc. These people spent hours and days to do some creative work and they want to show their creations to the world. If they don’t get an appreciation in exchange them, it’s  failure to them, without appreciation they feel an emptiness inside, to fill that, they can go to any level.

The history tells us that some players and movie actors those got the sudden fame and prosperity were not able to handle this, they were surrounded by fawning people and in the result, eventually they lost everything. In Bollywood we have seen that so many movie stars are surrounded by this type of people.

Technically, this is some type of intoxication or in medical term, we called this Attention deficiency syndrome (ADS). In a natural way, all of us are infected with this syndrome, however, these become as a disease when someone becomes obsessed for flattering.

Why I am writing this topic today, I have been observing this phenomenon in the spiritual world though as a sicker level?

If you pay attention to this that so many writers are writing blogs every day, but it looks very strange and shocking to see that to just get some false appreciation from the community, blog writers are doing very cheap activities.
As all we know that writing is a very noble profession and for some it’s a hobby and for some folks it is a healing process though. But, what is the point of writing something which has been written by someone earlier somewhere and you have just copied from there and post a blog about it  with your name?

You have copied, it’s not a crime, however, if you don’t mention the writer’s name or don’t quote or put some reference regarding original contents in your blog  that you have some inspiration from some website or blog then what is the meaning of this? Copying some ideas or material like that, Do you really think, it has any worth?
I think the whole purpose of writing blogs is to show the world that you want to share or say something you have felt or experienced in the life.

This is not ending here, yet, some time blog writers make false hits and comments on their blogs to make it popular, where all these things lead us?
I am so much astonished to see this in the spiritual world, then what is the point of talking about “Awkening, Self Realization, Healing, Enlightenment, Peace, Forgiveness” etc. when you have  already confined yourself too tight with Self infatuations.

I would like to ask all the spiritual people, all of you talk about salvation, sacrifice and no greed then how would you justify yourself when you are looking such a cheap popularity?

Same question, I would like to ask the management of speaking tree, if you charge some additional money to display the blog on the front page, then how would you claim yourself as a spiritual community?

If we are looking for money, false appreciations, fake recognitions and flattering than how our soul will get peace and salvation?

If we are seriously looking for the real journey of self realization than we have to get rid of this normal human being's behavior of listening Flattering, Self Infatuation & Show off, Otherwise, the rest of our life, we may stick in a loop, where all this will go round and round like “Merry Go”.

Or will take birth, rebirth again ad again to achieve our real meaning of salvation.

Note: “Opinions expressed are those of the authors, and are not official statements. Resemblance to any person, incident or place is purely coincidental”. The Author will not be responsible for your deeds.
Kundalini, Power & Sex Behavior!!

It’s been a while since I read a blog about Kundalini, Power and Sex scandals, I thought I will write something about it, but somehow could not get a time to focus on it.

However, that time I did not have any experience on this topic, still It was an interesting topic to understand that why the author wrote on such a controversial topic?

In my old blog “Kundalini in The Science Paradigm”, I wrote basic principle behind the Kundalini power. Nonetheless, It’s an open question, why “Kundalini “ power gets activated and what implications will causes when it’s become alive. Now, Let us see the effects created by “Kundalini” power.

 You have seen very often that a spiritual people have so much charm in their personality which attracts normal people towards them that they want to listen and follow their advice blindly and not only that, some time they were so much fascinated with their personality that they surrender their body in front of them.

At late times, So many sex scandals happened with so called “Gurus” or Master or Spiritual healer that one of the causes of this was “Kundalini” power.

Now, I come to the main topic of “Kundalini & Sex”. If we look around, you will surprise to notice that Human is the only animal on this earth that does the sex all the time. Have you ever thought about this, why is like that?

What I believe, in generations human has controlled his sexual power in such a way that it has become a mental rather than physical phenomenon or basic instinct. Due to the rules, regulations and restrictions imposed by society on them that human has to keep their desired under control.

Not only that, human has been suppressing their basic instinct of hunger, grief, pleasure and wishes. Technically, Modern human is more like a robot, who follow the commands of the society, to decide what is good and bad for them?

When “Kundalini” power gets activated, the human becomes the animal or in other words, he lost all greed, desired, show off, pride and affection.

This society has been trying to make human as better animal, but in the return, human has become something else?

When you do meditation, you try to control your thoughts, emotions and basic instincts. After a time you developed a skill that your emotions and behaviors are in your ascendancy, however, you lose one thing which has given by this society to all the human, their socialism.

In other words you come too close to the nature that you gradually forget all the relations, bindings, greed and immorality or in other words, you don’t care about social value or have no meaning for the existence of this society any more.

Or it can be understood in this way that you give away your practical human behavior or in my words, you turn into a beast that has a pure heart, free from emotional bonding’s, unattached from the materialism.

The more you become spiritually more you have inclined towards animal instinct.
In my point of view, Awakening of Kundalini is a stage where a spiritual person feels that he has been reached to a level ofspirituality or in other words, he has lost his human instinct up to a certain level.

In my technical word, now this person has a full control on his wishes, desire and hunger, in other words, he will not have sexual desire all the time like a normal human being. However, when he has the urge, will not follow the rules of the society. More than that, this person will try to satisfy the sexual urge of the opposite sex.

Some of you may have seen that a Bull has no desire for the sex in a regular time. However, when he gets the scent of the heat of a cow, which is looking for a mate. He chases this cow and tries to intercourse with her. Or in other words, Bull wants to satisfy the cow sexual urge. But, it seems like that, Bull wants to satisfy his desire.

The same could happen with the person, whose Kundalini has been awakened. He may feel the sexual impulse of the opposite gender and attempt to chill it down. But society will take this in another way.
If the female is desperately waiting for the sex, whatever is their sexual urges, as a social human being, you can’t attach to them anywhere and whenever. You have to follow the certain rules of the society.

 Technically speaking, Kundalini power is the dividing line between human and animal.
Human has suppressed this power in the generations for building this society in more peaceful and ordered.

If, all the human has this power that they don’t feel attached to relations, disobey the society rules then how this system will work?

At last, if you are looking to awaken your kundalini, be remembered you have to pay a big price in the future, which you may not like.


Kapil Kumar

Note: “Opinions expressed are those of the authors, and are not official statements. Resemblance to any person, incident or place is purely coincidental”. The Author will not be responsible for your deeds.

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